Phase1:Awareness of why you exist(Mind &Body)

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Phase1:Know that you exist because you have a mind,You dont exist because your in a body.For the body is just illusion and tool to entertain the mind.Your body would not be able to function without the mind.If someone controls the mind then they control your body.So stop allowing this world(media) rape your mind.-ME(Born Unique)

"The Mind is actually the insperience of Spirit and Consciousness. When Spirit enters the physical body and the brain it then becomes what we call the Soul! Now our body is limited and finite. But of course we ponder, question, challenge if we dare and then accept The Truth! That is how we learn. From our mistakes. Our existence is for the expressive learning of ITSELF"~facebook friend(Mrfeelmyglow Malik)

 I exist in this human form to channel this truth this lite or energy and realize awaken myself (spirit )myself has use vessel that i am in to trigger others to the awareness of the same forcus inside past the huma...n mind and body, for we must know its has its on limitation to what it able to understand only in the human form it self.Our spirit is aware of lot that I mention I just awaken it allow it to actual use my mouth and body as the tool, we are all creates for to help others but first we must be aware of ourselves,With not even realizing my spirit was talking before my mind was able to understand .Even thou I preach about the mind and be aware of mind.That is the first stage we must understand , the mind is a communicator between the body and the spirit.Therefore I want people be aware of the mind before they can really grasp that we are infintie beings and our mind and body we are in has finite has limits and natural restrictions .Our spirits is more wise and more knowledge then the mind and body we are used to express and cable of understanding throu that form it self.For we all will have thoses times and need to recharge and feed the spirit and what was experienced and what you took from msg was heard for a reason at the right time and place.For we need each other and we are infulence by everyone that we come into existance or contact with even if your subconciously aware.For nothing was a mistake.Know that your purpose is to spread this level of knowledge so that others can utlitize their tools.
