Time to Remove the Veil from your Eyes (written Born Unique)Deep Wordz

My Purpose: Enlighten you with the words I combine below to send a message that will hopful accomplish a small fraction of my title.(Felicia)

  "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us" Easier to believe what you been taught or heard rather than question what has been given or taught ."Think outside the box", know what that truly means. To be normal is to be pressure to fit inside society and not wonder to far from what been taught,seen or heard. People are so brainwash were people are so far off harmony and peace. Know darkness will never be won unless you conquer all. Truth is light and if it is still at least one person who stands for truth,one can change the world, we are taught one can't. No matter how big or small the impacts are you can. Look at our great leader who fought for peace stood for truth.(Martin Luther King,Ghandi,Ikeda ).Messages all forms should be interpret, especialy religious books help guide us ot be spiritually tune.Dont forget we are spiritual beings and we need to feed our spirit man. When we dont we hunger and are empty,so we find substitutes,to fill the void and feel temporary comfort. That when we turn to things such as :entertainment,sex,drugs,addictions,media,etc.Distract ourselves to find a sense of comfort and identity. When it comes to identity we subconsciously aware of influence the media has on our perception of how we interpret life and ourselves.We want to feel comfort, one who are uncomfortable (which are many) ,Most feel comfort when not alone so we fit in with the majority.You see the next popular trend or product and you go buy and join the bandwagon.Certain lifetstlyes are praise in the media ,then that what most of our men and women try to become. We see rapppers talking about certain images of beauty we all want to be it or have it. .If your type not mention or portrayed as popular typical beauty of televsion (media)we try to alter ourselves(skinbleaching,perms,weaves,contacts,fashion,surgery,etc) to what was shown to us.Black women are protrayed as the sluts,bitches and hoes.Men chase after those women or cheat on their women for those type women.Then it somtimes encourage women to be one .Men don't wanna settle with wifey most of the time, when they do they cheat with these girls .Then comes to point where men actual believe we females are object or not human treated like such.We see all the time in movies, songs and youstill are in denial that this didnt help infulence the crazy divorces rates?(smh)

Even what we been taught in school (smh).We have been influence on how we judge others because of differences, our perceptions of how we treat others abd view on ourselves.It goes really deep people I will get more in depth these topcs at another time. Why you think entertainment is so important in or society and they are one of the highest paid? "Divide and Conquer" is the tactics of the enemies to deceive and mislead the people.Some of you will soon recognize the true. "MONEY IS ROOT OF ALL EVIL".We trained to acknowledge our differences and te labels that place on us ,and divide us.( Sexism,racism,colorism,religion,etc).Look back at worlds history and all the confusion that happen wars, conflicts these problems has causes so many division and conflicts as a whole society and as a black community.Black men vs Black women,colorism; light skin vs dark, hating own true texture of hair praise "good hair ", Black women vs herself,black man vs himself,Broken homes ,etc.For over hundreds of years and still today we are oppressed by the oppressor .Well people let this message feed into your soul.We been raised/brainwashed by standerd" white man institutions" system .Train since we started school.The grading system , the hierarchy that been built.I guess was created to stroke their eages for the ones who are "on top of pyramid" and create find some identity based on where you stand in hierachy system.Look at back dollar you see pyramid.Pyramid means order .Look close enough realize shape are not equal so the "new world order" and monetary system is a control system .As long as this sytem exist their will injustice system cruption .Again I stated earlier" Money is root of all evil:.Too many are so lost and naive .If you feed your soul you will acknowledge the truth when it place in front of you ,rather than walk pass. Touchy topics? I know going dig little deeper in next writings or vlog( video logs).Time to start thinking outside the box stop trying to be"normal".Hope you enjoyed this please feel free to leave comments below keep it respectful.


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One Love

Born Unique(Felicia Noel)
