You are Beautiful Damn it !!!! Stop chasing after the illusion of Beauty

     Your Beautiful Damn it!!! Stop chasing the illusion of Beauty
Written By: Felicia Unique(Me)

First I want to start off by saying "We are all uniquely created. and beautiful"

       The industry like to make beauty an illusion that rarely exist and put standards to keep people not being satisified in your own image .They want you to idiolize others and buy costmetics and beauty products and go on these crazy diets under knief all to make money off of you.They want you go under the knife chasing after a false image again to make money.When in reality you dont need all that but most of us today are brainwash into thinking so...

           Companies that put out these advertisment and commericals to market their prodcuts to make money off of you they like to "raise the standard of beauty "so it cant be reached but only chased after by consumers buying their products and quick fixes ups."Usualy we dont look at what in them and long term effects on that could possible cause internal damages and long term physical damages it can do.You see it on tc magazine al lthe time celebrites rich people go overboard from being under knief ,to eating disorders,etc.

  We all can simulated thoses image but why would you idiolize something anyone can do that but no one can look like you because your beautiful in your own skin most of use just dont know it yet .You have to find that confident and get to know you and why you different then the rest ,change your thinking .Stop asking to be accepted by society and accepted yourself first and love yourself.Work on things that may concern you such as : you want longer hair well take care of your natural hair,better skin, well change up your skincare and diet,Weight problems exercise eat health,etc.

   I feel like you should not feel ashame to leave the house without makeup or wearing a bathsuit,no weaves .It is ok to wear all these things shoot I love them , but you shouldn't have to rely on them to make you feel beautiful . I know many people can relate to these pressures most of use all have them or had them at one point of time.Some will never truely know what it is to be comfortable in your own skin It is a process so begin to start now .

Here a video to show you before and after how you can be transformed to look like what the industry after all the costmetics,weaves extension,airbrushed contacts and photoshoped possible surgery etc .

(Click here watch clip)

"Remember you are beautiful you just may not know it yet."-me

One of Mine before /after shoots:


Pictures of Celebrites which all Beautiful regardless
Before and After Pictures:
